Life Navigation

Start your personal life-adventure!

Use the unfamiliar experiences of a snowshoe hike as an analogy of your life. During this adventure we will discuss various topics concerning you and your life journey, reflect on them and design a life plan.

Content and Topics

  • Learn to better understand yourself and others – Personality and potential (DISG-Personality profile)
  • Discover your own life vision, define life goals, and realise new perspectives 
  • Life planning – Work out implementation strategies and learn about self-leadership


  • Hikes with activating excercises
  • Seminar booklet with personal analysis-workshop
  • Personality analysis beforehand
  • Interactive lecture
  • Topic related impulses
  • Moderated groupdiscussions 
  • Partner and group exercises
  • Individual quality work on self-concept and self-reflection
  • Evaluation/ Reflection

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“The Life Navigation Seminar has really helped me to define my personal goals. I have developed a new awareness about my strengths and weaknesses and try to use my energy efficiently and focused on my strengths. It is very important to me, to live my life with a vision!”

Daniel Schilling, Architect and Athlete

Best Practice

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